Results for 'Leo B. Slater'

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  1.  26
    Leo B. Slater. War and Disease: Biomedical Research on Malaria in the Twentieth Century. x + 249 pp., illus., index. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2009. $45.95. [REVIEW]Hamilton Cravens - 2010 - Isis 101 (2):447-448.
  2.  17
    American aesthetics: theory and practice.Walter B. Gulick & Gary Slater (eds.) - 2020 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Although there are distinctly American artists-Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Grandma Moses, Thomas Hart Benton, and Andy Warhol, for example-very little attention has been devoted to formulating any distinctively American characteristics of aesthetic judgment and practice. This volume takes a step in this direction, presenting an introductory essay on the possibility of such a distinctly American tradition, and a collection of essays exploring particular examples from a variety of angles. Some of the essays in this collection extend pragmatist and process insights (...)
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    An Approach to the Metaphysics of Plato through the "Parmenides".Leo B. Kaufmann - 1960 - Modern Schoolman 37 (4):326-327.
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    Scepticism of Essences in Plato.Leo B. Kaufmann - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 53 (2):171-176.
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    Social Position, Political Information Interest and Exposure To Political Media Texts.Leo B. Snippenburg - 1995 - Communications 20 (1):48-60.
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    "Divine Perfection: Possible Ideas of God," by Frederick Sontag. [REVIEW]Leo B. Kaufmann - 1963 - Modern Schoolman 40 (3):294-297.
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  7. Paraconsistent logics?B. H. Slater - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (4):451 - 454.
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    Braille learning: Effects of symbol size.Slater E. Newman, Marilyn B. Kindsvater & Anthony D. Hall - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (3):189-190.
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  9. Prior's Analytic.B. H. Slater - 1986 - Analysis 46 (2):76 - 81.
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    Internal and external negations.B. H. Slater - 1979 - Mind 88 (352):588-591.
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    A Fifty-Year Love Affair with Organic Chemistry. William S. Johnson.Leo Slater - 2000 - Isis 91 (3):623-624.
  12.  14
    Against the Realisms of the Age.B. H. Slater - 1998 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Recovers some of the value in the Wittgensteinian period of philosophy, using certain logical systems: Prior's theory of operators and Hilbert's epsilon calculus. This work applies, discursively, the previous largely technical results published in Prolegomena to Formal Logic (Aldershot, Gower 1989) and Intensional Logic (Aldershot, Ashgate 1994) to resolve matters of current interest in philosophy, logic and linguistics - notably attacking a variety of realisms found in comtemporary cognitive science and the philosophy of mathematics.
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    Prolegomena to Formal Logic.B. H. Slater - 1988 - Aldershot, England: Gower Publishing Company.
  14.  29
    The Making of the Chemist: The Social History of Chemistry in Europe, 1789-1914. David Knight, Helge Kragh.Leo Slater & David Brock - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):820-821.
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    Quantifier/variable-binding.B. H. Slater - 2000 - Linguistics and Philosophy 23 (3):309-321.
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  16. Hilbert’s Epsilon Calculus and its Successors.B. H. Slater - 2009 - In ¸ Itegabbay2009. Elsevier. pp. 385--448.
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  17. Finite Achievements.B. Slater - 2000 - Logique Et Analyse 43.
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    The epsilon calculus' problematic.B. H. Slater - 1994 - Philosophical Papers 23 (3):217-242.
  19.  77
    Grammar and sets.B. H. Slater - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (1):59 – 73.
    'Philosophy arises through misconceptions of grammar', said Wittgenstein. Few people have believed him, and probably none, therefore, working in the area of the philosophy of mathematics. Yet his assertion is most evidently the case in the philosophy of Set Theory, as this paper demonstrates (see also Rodych 2000). The motivation for twentieth century Set Theory has rested on the belief that everything in Mathematics can be defined in terms of sets [Maddy 1994: 4]. But not only are there notable items (...)
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    Seeing pains.B. H. Slater - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 62 (1):65-81.
    P.M.S. Hacker, recounting some of Wittgenstein's views, says : [T]he pervasive conception of behaviour that has informed philosophical psychology for the last three centuries has misrepresented human behaviour as 'bare bodily movement', from which it is supposed we infer, by analogy or inference to best explanation, the inner state and so on from which the behaviour might be thought to arise … But we see the pain in a person's face hear the glee in his chortles, perceive the affection in (...)
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    Non-conditional 'if's.B. H. Slater - 1996 - Ratio 9 (1):47-55.
    Two uses of ‘if are discussed which do not involve conditions. The first is illustrated in the example ‘If he's here, I don't see him’, the second in ‘He's not a dunce, if a trifle stupid’. A third non‐conditional use, cognate with the first is also mentioned: it would be illustrated in the example ‘If he's a Dutchman, I'll eat my hat’. It is argued that recent attempts to formulate a logic of conditionals have distorted our understanding of ‘if, by (...)
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  22.  24
    Singular subjects.B. H. Slater - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (3):362-372.
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    There's CULTURE and “culture”.P. J. B. Slater - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):356-357.
    While cetaceans clearly show social learning in a wide variety of contexts, to label this as hides more than it reveals: we need a taxonomy of culture to tease apart the differences rather than hiding them in a catch-all category.
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    Minds at rest? Social cognition as the default mode of cognizing and its putative relationship to the "default system" of the brain.Leo Schilbach, Simon B. Eickhoff, Anna Rotarska-Jagiela, Gereon R. Fink & Kai Vogeley - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (2):457--467.
    The “default system” of the brain has been described as a set of regions which are ‘activated’ during rest and ‘deactivated’ during cognitively effortful tasks. To investigate the reliability of task-related deactivations, we performed a meta-analysis across 12 fMRI studies. Our results replicate previous findings by implicating medial frontal and parietal brain regions as part of the “default system”.However, the cognitive correlates of these deactivations remain unclear. In light of the importance of social cognitive abilities for human beings and their (...)
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  25.  56
    Getting Kant right.B. H. Slater - 1994 - Synthese 99 (2):305 - 306.
  26. E-Type Pronouns and varepsilon -Terms.B. H. Slater - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):27-38.
    Speaking of Professor Geach's belief that pronouns in natural language function like the bound variables in quantification theory, Gareth Evans, in ‘Pronouns, Quantifiers, and Relative Clauses - I’ says :I want to try to show that there are pronouns with quantifier antecedents that function in a quite different way. Such pronouns typically stand in a different grammatical relation to their antecedents, and; in contrast with bound pronouns, must be assigned a reference, so that their most immediate sentential contexts can always (...)
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  27. Thought unlimited.B. H. Slater - 1992 - Mind 101 (402):347-353.
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    White rats and general theories.P. J. B. Slater - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):115-116.
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    Aristotle's propositional logic.B. H. Slater - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 36 (1):35 - 49.
  30. Namely-Riders: an Update.B. H. Slater - forthcoming - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy.
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    Hilbertian reference.B. H. Slater - 1988 - Noûs 22 (2):283-297.
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    Ramsey's tests.B. H. Slater - 2004 - Synthese 141 (3):431-444.
    This paper starts by criticising some olderaccounts of conditionals based on the so-called `Ramsey Test', and ends by proposing their replacement, in part with a material account, in part with a probabilistic account using epsilon terms. The combined replacement is in fact closer to Ramsey's ideas. But there is also a resemblance between the latter and a more recent account of conditionals, which relates some of them to causality. The comparison provides a basis for assessment of the proposed replacement.
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  33. Prior's analytic revised.B. H. Slater - 2001 - Analysis 61 (1):86-90.
  34. Some Wittgensteinian theses proved.B. H. Slater - 1994 - Wittgenstein-Studien 1 (2).
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  35. Self-reference with operators.B. H. Slater - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
  36.  28
    The Epsilon Calculus and its Applications.B. H. Slater - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 41 (1):175-205.
    The paper presents and applies Hilbert's Epsilon Calculus, first describing its standard proof theory, and giving it an intensional semantics. These are contrasted with the proof theory of Fregean Predicate Logic, and the traditional (extensional) choice function semantics for the calculus. The semantics provided show that epsilon terms are referring terms in Donnellan's sense, enabling the symbolisation and validation of argument forms involving E-type pronouns, both in extensional and intensional contexts. By providing for transparency in intensional constructions they support a (...)
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    Intensional Logic: An Essay in Analytical Metaphysics.B. H. Slater - 1994
    Like the author's first work, this text again develops two advanced logical systems: the formalization of intensional constructions initiated by Arthur Prior, and the refinement of predicate logic instituted by David Hilbert. This book is more historical than the first, but the emphasis is still on the application of the two systems to problems in analytical metaphysics. The natures of provability and possibility are studied further, as well as the natures of opacity and intensional objects.
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    A Grammatical Point about Disjunction.B. H. Slater - 1976 - Philosophy 51 (196):226 - 228.
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    Contradiction and Freedom.B. H. Slater - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (245):317 - 330.
    Jean-Paul Sartre, in describing the realization of his freedom, was often inclined to say mysterious things like ‘I am what I am not’, ‘I am not what I am’ (‘as I am already what I will be …, I am the self which I will be, in the mode of not being it’, ‘I make myself not to be the past … which I am’.) He was therefore plainly contradicting himself, but was this merely a playful literary figure (paradox), or (...)
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    “It's on the middle of my tongue”.B. H. Slater - 1979 - Philosophical Investigations 2 (1):51-52.
    In a previous issue of Philosophical Investigations Professor Radford provides a counterexample to the equation1: a word is on the tip of a man's tongue IFF (a) he can recognize the word and (b1) he believes he may be able to produce It (fairly soon).
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    Routley’s formulation of transparency.B. H. Slater - 1992 - History and Philosophy of Logic 13 (2):215-224.
    Routley?s Formula says, for instance, that if it is believed there is a man then there is something which is believed to be a man. In this paper I defend the formula; first directly, but then by looking at work by Gensler and Hintikka against it, and at the original work of Routley, Meyer and Goddard for it. The argument ultimately reduces to a central point about the extensionality of objects in Routley, Meyer and Goddard?s intensional system, i.e. in its (...)
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  42.  35
    Wittgenstein's Later Logic.B. H. Slater - 1979 - Philosophy 54 (208):199 - 209.
    Wittgenstein's Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics was poorly received by the critics when it was first published, and only a few sympathetic commentators have made much of it since then. The book has not had a great success, because the majority of people interested in the philosophy of mathematics these days have a quite different approach to the subject from Wittgenstein. But not only that, they have a quite different logic from Wittgenstein. I believe one of the main sources (...)
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    The Examiner Examined.B. H. Slater - 1974 - Analysis 35 (2):49 - 50.
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    Peirce’s graphs amended.B. H. Slater - 1998 - History and Philosophy of Logic 19 (2):101-106.
    One of the claims made for C. S. Peirce's existential graphs has been that they are a deductively complete formulation of first-order logic with identity. As Peirce presented them, this is true only for certain versions of first-order logic :those which do not include terms for individuals. I amend Peirce's rules here, showing, in particular, how they are capable of demonstrating that, for instance, ?Jack is in the kitchen? contradicts ?Jack is not in the kitchen?
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  45. Logic and Arithmetic.B. H. Slater - 2005 - In L. Behounek & M. Bilkova (eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2004. Praha: Filosofia.
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  46. Using Hilbert's Calculus'.B. H. Slater - 1990 - Logique Et Analyse 129 (130):45-67.
  47. A Way With Paradoxes.B. H. Slater - 1985 - International Logic Review 31:19.
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  48. Logic Without Tears.B. H. Slater - 1980 - International Logic Review 22:120.
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  49. Motivation by de se beliefs.B. H. Slater - unknown
    I have become more convinced, over the years, by the truth of Wittgenstein’s characterisation of philosophy as arising through misconceptions of grammar. Such a misconception of grammar characterises a very popular approach to indexicality which has been current since the 1970s, stemming from the work of Casteñeda, and Kaplan. Gareth Evans was inclined to allow, for instance, that one could say ‘“To the left (I am hot)” is true, as uttered by x at t iff there is someone moderately near (...)
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  50. Is innovation in bird song adaptive?Peter J. B. Slater & Robert F. Lachlan - 2003 - In Simon M. Reader & Kevin N. Laland (eds.), Animal Innovation. Oxford University Press.
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